Windows shortcuts 101 by ben stegner
Windows shortcuts 101 by ben stegner

windows shortcuts 101 by ben stegner

Perhaps F11 has other functions in those apps, though it doesn't seem to do anything in Microsoft Edge.

windows shortcuts 101 by ben stegner

This is more clunky than a simple tap of F11, and we're not sure why Microsoft changed this for Modern apps.

#Windows shortcuts 101 by ben stegner windows#

Windows key + X opens the Quick Access menu (aka Power User menu), containing shortcuts to many Windows utilities. Use Windows key + I to instantly open the Settings window. Windows key + S opens Cortana, ready for keyboard input. Another convenient Remote Desktop Connection feature is 'redirectclipboard.' This option allows you to copy content from the client clipboard and paste in your local machine. Press the Windows key to open the Start Menu. It has every shortcut you could ever want 7. Instead of F11, press Windows key + Shift + Enter to send a Store app into full-screen mode. For more handy shortcuts, check out Ben Stegners Windows keyboard shortcuts 101. The good news is that Modern apps still support full-screen - you just have to use a different shortcut. It hides the Taskbar and header bar so you can work in a distraction-free environment. 18 Advanced Tips for Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. Master the universal Windows keyboard shortcuts, keyboard tricks for specific programs, and a few other tips to speed up your work.

windows shortcuts 101 by ben stegner

Keyboard shortcuts can save you hours of time. Opens a shortcut menu for the selected items (like right clicking on a mouse) All. In traditional desktop apps, this key expands the window as full-screen to give you more screen estate. Windows Keyboard Shortcuts 101: The Ultimate Guide. When using Microsoft Edge or other Store apps, you might have noticed that pressing F11 doesn't do anything. But in Windows 10, there's one longtime shortcut key that's changed.

Windows shortcuts 101 by ben stegner